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SecSign ID Access Pass Icon
Please take your smartphone (or open the app on your desktop computer) and select your SecSign ID.
Sign in
Check the App on your smartphone
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SecSign ID installed on this device? If not, just use the classic sign-in below!
Classic sign-in
  • Select your SecSign ID on your smartphone
    Select your SecSign ID on your smartphone
  • Enter your passcode on your smartphone
    Enter your passcode on your smartphone
  • Verify the access pass shown above with your smartphone
    Verify the access pass shown above with your smartphone
  • That's it
Sign up
  • Sign in and sign up using the free SecSign ID app
  • No credit card and no time-consuming registration required.
  • Download the app and get a full-fledged portal account within a minute.
  • Highly secure, simple and a pleasure to use.
  • More infos at secsign.com
  • https://www.secsign.com/de/secsign-id-testen/
The protection of your data is our primary goal

The protection of your data is our primary goal

The key element of SecSign ID portal is the total data protection: All data and messages are transmitted in encrypted form and are stored and encrypted in blocks in the database on the server side on reception.

The data is neither transmitted at any time in unencrypted form, nor is it ever present in decrypted form in the database.

This guarantees highest data security and confidentiality in respect of data protection.

The data in your portal account is secure like in a safe. There will be no interpretation of the user data between browser and database. For us data privacy means much more than internal storage opimization.

The SecSign server keys are protected by shared keys. This erects a barrier that prevents the access of one single person to the encrypted data files. A defined number of trustworthy administrators who must authorize the access simultaneously is needed.