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SecSign ID Access Pass Icon
Please take your smartphone (or open the app on your desktop computer) and select your SecSign ID.
Sign in
Check the App on your smartphone
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SecSign ID installed on this device? If not, just use the classic sign-in below!
Classic sign-in
  • Select your SecSign ID on your smartphone
    Select your SecSign ID on your smartphone
  • Enter your passcode on your smartphone
    Enter your passcode on your smartphone
  • Verify the access pass shown above with your smartphone
    Verify the access pass shown above with your smartphone
  • That's it
Sign up
  • Sign in and sign up using the free SecSign ID app
  • No credit card and no time-consuming registration required.
  • Download the app and get a full-fledged portal account within a minute.
  • Highly secure, simple and a pleasure to use.
  • More infos at secsign.com
  • https://www.secsign.com/de/secsign-id-testen/
The protection of your data is our primary goal

Backup, share and organize your business files

SecSign Portal the cloud for sensitive business data.

SecSign Portal meets all company requirements of data security and the user requirements of usability as well as availabiliy of the data regardless of device or location.

The advantages are obvious: You have access to your data anywhere and with any device. If necessary you can also quickly provide your colleagues with the data.

You will not have to worry anymore that somebody can get unauthorized access to your files. Your business secrets are safe with us.

Your are able to upload pdf, doc, odt, videos, psd-files etc.and and back it up that way- This will prevent the complete loss of data in case of loss of the device.